Honeycomb Platform updates

We are constantly working to improve the Honeycomb Platform to provide you with the best service to help you make your workplace more inclusive. Check out what we have been up to below:

Save progress

We have all experienced the awful moment when our computer crashes and we lose all of our work, so we have made it easier for you to save your progress so you can come back to it later with all your work intact!

Send personal note

Insights from our research showed that people who sent personal emails to their reviewers usually had high feedback turnover rates. We have included a “Personal Note” feature as a way for participants to send personal notes to their reviewers.

New Email Design

We have also redesigned our emails to make it easier for you to quickly identify what you need to do to improve your behaviours and make your workplace more inclusive.

Survey Redesign

The survey pages have been redesigned to help compartmentalise information, clearly recognise errors and easily pick behaviour ratings.

Help and Documentation

We built a step-by-step guide on using The Honeycomb, also including FAQs, direct contact with user support and more information on The Honeycomb Works organisation.

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