Don't leave your company
culture to chance
World-class company cultures don’t just happen by accident.
That’s why we created our ‘Honeycombs’; they’re scientifically proven to help you identify the path to a positive work culture and provide your team with the tools to get there.
At The Honeycomb Works, we help businesses create meaningful, measurable change to build a positive environment where everyone - from the CEO to a new starter - gets the benefits a sense of belonging brings.
Our Honeycomb tool allows individuals to get 360 feedback based on habits scientifically proven to create inclusive, innovative cultures - helping improve employee satisfaction and longevity, productivity, create strong leadership and unbiased, diversity-driven recruitment.
Together, we will help you create a positive culture, habit by habit, person by person.
Don’t leave your company culture to chance this year, book a call today and see how we can help.
The Honeycomb
Our Honeycombs are designed to address your organisational challenges.
Looking to improve inclusive recruitment? Increase psychological safety for employees? Create a culture of allies? Whatever challenge you have, we’re here to help. A selection of our Honeycombs:
+ Becoming an ally
Help employees learn how to challenge bias and help create a supportive culture where everyone feels like they belong
+ Inclusive recruitment
Hire the right people for the job and encourage diversity by reducing bias in your recruitment process
+ Psychological safety
Proven to improve innovation and productivity, this is the foundation of any positive work culture
+ Inclusive leadership
Develop leaders and managers who are role models for inclusion, who build trust, take intelligent risks and make your organisation fairer
What is the Honeycomb?
Our Honeycombs help companies create thriving, positive cultures by giving your employees the tools and resources to succeed.
Our Honeycomb app:
Lets you develop specific, evidence-based habits that help you deliver against your business strategy
Gives employees a checklist of actions to take towards self-improvement
Allows for unlimited, anytime 360 feedback that lets employees choose how and when they need it
Creates an actionable map of strengths and gaps to target development where it’s most needed
Shows real time progress reports so individuals can see how they’re developing and organisations can pinpoint how they can get ahead of emerging risks.
This year, don’t let culture hold your business back. A positive culture doesn’t just make for a more productive workplace, but can save you thousands of pounds each year.
At The Honeycomb Works, we’re here to help you do just that.
Book a call with us today to find out how we can help you create a positive culture, habit by habit, person by person.
Lots of motivation & internal resources?
Go for our digital inclusivity toolkit to help people bridge the gap between intention and action with specific steps to take, diagnostics and resources to support the change they’re working towards.
* £100 per month for 12 months minimum to start
* Discounts available for over 250 people
Looking for something to spark motivation?
If you have some nervous allies or people you think would be allies if only they knew a little more, then get our intro event plus Honeycomb for ongoing support for the next year.
* £2.50 per pp/pm for additional people
* Discounts available for over 250 people
Need to ensure change is embedded?
Our inclusive leadership programme for leaders and managers of any level includes five half-day workshops spaced a month apart, with on-demand coaching and nudges in between, all supported with the Honeycomb app. It’s our most powerful way of embedding long lasting habit change.
* 6 month blended programme
* Discounts available for larger populations